A beginner's work in progress.......
is not me
Published on August 7, 2005 By dabe In Politics
I just found this in the political forum. I think bigrickstallion is right on the money in his response to dr guy, but I want to reiterate a few things:

First, I am not the only person who has left leaning politics. In fact, almost, if not more than 50% of the American population is left. So when any one of us posts our political leanings, it's not always going to be me. In fact, I sure wouldn't mind seeing more of us here.

Secondly, I really do think that the moderators here should step in and stop the character assassinations being perpetrated against politically left leaning individuals by the righties here. This is getting old, and the concurrent swearing at lefties (i.e. whip calling someone as "asswipe" in this same thread) is now offending my new-found sensibilities.


#30 by bigrickstallion
Friday, August 05, 2005

Hello Dabe! At it again, I see. Or is this just a tag team with slanderer?

I appreciate that many of you clearly have no lives and spend great sums of time swinging back and forth in this forum like a door on a rusty hinge. However your paranoia about my identity borders on the disturbed.

You are actually posting/calling out to someone who is not here.

I remember you from a few months ago. Your posts generally lack any kind of argument and usually resort to some moronic form of name calling which typically include the word "ignorant". A "poop chute" however? Are you a child?

Perhaps if you were a little more secure in your positioning you wouldn't have to "worry" about me at all Dr Guy. I dont actually set out to cause you any stress. In fact the state of your mental health is totally inconsequential to me and certainly not a motivating factor in any of my posts.

I dont know who Brad is, i'll guess some form of moderator, but im sure if he is worth his salt he'll be taking a quick look at the IP numbers from which i connect. In which case he'll find they originate from the same ISP from the same country.

Ive no idea who Dabe nor Slanderer are but i seriously doubt they live in my country and connect via my wireless network. Clearly you have some kind of beef with them as well. However i would suggest that it is possible that more than 2 people in this world hold views contrary to your own. And that in order for this to happen they dont actually need to be "phantom projections" of the same person.

Im sure you could see this if you weren't quite so self asborbed. Do you really believe that you are so important that someone would go to the trouble of creating separate personas just to mess with you and your head? Do you suffer from narcissim?

Take a pill Dr. and maybe these paranoid episodes of yours will die down. Your right about one thing though Dr Guy ou wont have to "worry" about me commenting on your posts anymore. Your clearly deluded and i shant waste any more time with you.

Where i live we generally just ignore the crazies.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 08, 2005
Oops, I thought I had you blacklisted. I do now...... I don't want to be tempted by your ignorance.
on Aug 08, 2005

Oops, I thought I had you blacklisted. I do now...... I don't want to be tempted by your ignorance.

See Dabe?  You can responde civilly!  And even on your own blog where no one is going to stop you from the favorite explective.  Try it more often.  Debate the facts, and leave the trash to BMI.

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