A beginner's work in progress.......
A quiz to test your knowledge
Published on September 15, 2005 By dabe In Politics
Freedom From Religion Foundation Link

My Score: 14 - 17: Congratulations! Better informed than most Americans. Anyone else care to try?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 16, 2005
I don't believe in your god, and your god doesn't hold me accountable for my deeds.

You can believe that statement if you wish, but you have no way of knowing how accountable you'll be held until it's too late for you to do anything about it (unless, like many non-believers you suddenly suffer an 11th hour and 59th minute conversion if given just a bit of forewarning as to what is to become of you).
on Sep 16, 2005
but you have no way of knowing how accountable you'll be held until it's too late for you to do anything about it

Spoken like a god-fearin' believer. But, that's a statement that is meaningless to me, as I am not a believer. And, ya know what. I ain't worried. I am an ethical athiest. I believe in the here and now, and in doing right by the earth and fellow humans. If there is a god, which I do not believe, I'm sure she'd judge me by my deeds rather than whether I believed in her or not.
on Sep 16, 2005
I scored 14, which I think is pretty good, especially considering I'm not even a high school upperclassman.
Oh yeah, anybody who says that test isn't biased has blinders on.

"0 - 5: Are you sure you are not a member of the Religious Right?"

Just my two cents
on Sep 16, 2005
And, ya know what. I ain't worried. I am an ethical athiest. I believe in the here and now, and in doing right by the earth and fellow humans. If there is a god, which I do not believe, I'm sure she'd judge me by my deeds rather than whether I believed in her or not.

I've met flat earthers too. Fine, don't believe. What is, is, believe in it or not. "Eppur si muove."

Also, I disagree with a great deal of the modern interpretation of the Constitution.

I don't believe it was ever meant to be freedom from religion, which is the way it's being practiced, including many restrictions on practicing your beliefs in public.

It says freedom of religion. Not freedom from ever being exposed to religion when someone prays in public or wears a cross on their neck at work.

Furthermore, the interpretation is often inconsistent, allowing freedom of religion for various religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds (which is fine, if everyone gets it)as long as those backgrounds are not Christian.

{Shrug} Christianity is not considered to be politically correct.
on Sep 16, 2005
{Shrug} Christianity is not considered to be politically correct.

This has nothing to do with Christianity.
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