A beginner's work in progress.......
Published on September 28, 2004 By dabe In Politics
Yesseree, Bob. Or, Joe. Or whatever. The politics are heating up here, and that's a good thing. Good open discourse is good. Discussion of issues is good. I noticed that there is a link at the bottom of the home page to contribute to the RNC. How 'bout a link to the DNC, also? How about making this a site wherein all sides are welcome? What do you say, Joe? Errr..... I mean, Brad?
on Sep 28, 2004
It is past time to get at the issuies that will impact us and our children. The Budget, Social Security and Medicare, education, JOBS, trade, our security, the rebuilding of our infrastructure. All these isues and more are the subject of the book, "Four More For George W?" This book is receiving some great comments from readers. Look at the comments on Amazon.com.
on Sep 28, 2004
Thank you, COL Gene. It seems like in every post of yours, you mention that book. It must be a goody, so I'll check it out. But, why are you promoting that one book exclusively? There are a host of books out these days that document the horrific escapades of this Dubya administration. Why this book in particular?