A beginner's work in progress.......
...... but we know it now!
Published on October 12, 2004 By dabe In Politics
The level of hypocrisy exhibited by the Bush/Cheney regime is sickening. The fact that Cheney and Halliburton provided assistance to Saddam to sidestep and abuse the oil for food program is something they really don't want us to know.


The Bush/Cheney regime and the republican camp sickens me. Their hypocrisy is endless.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 12, 2004
Something Cheney would prefer we do not know......

By: dabe
Posted: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 on Dabe's Site
Message Board: Politics
The level of hypocrisy exhibited by the Bush/Cheney regime is sickening. The fact that Cheney and Halliburton provided assistance to Saddam to sidestep and abuse the oil for food program is something they really don't want us to know.


And your one-sidedness is endless!
on Oct 12, 2004
I know, drmiler. As is yours.
on Oct 12, 2004
the true sign of a losing candidate- when his supporters have to turn to smearing Cheney to justify themselves. ( democrats seem to think they can go into a person's past life yet it is unjustified if someone goes into Kerry's or Edward's)
on Oct 12, 2004
Their hypocrisy is definitely endless. I love common dreams. Good article!
on Oct 12, 2004

Reply #2 By: dabe - 10/12/2004 7:59:11 PM
I know, drmiler. As is yours.

Wrong answer jerk. my side taking depnds on who I think is right and have posted as such. You on the otherhand NEVER have a good thing to say about President Bush. You know I almost don't want GW to win on Nov2. That way we won't have to listen to you whine for 4 years about how bad Bush is!
on Oct 12, 2004
Wrong answer jerk. my side taking depnds on who I think is right and have posted as such. You on the otherhand NEVER have a good thing to say about President Bush. You know I almost don't want GW to win on Nov2. That way we won't have to listen to you whine for 4 years about how bad Bush is!

personal attack alert
on Oct 12, 2004
Let us not talk about any controversial war unless of course it is Vietnam.

Let us not talk about any political record unless of course it is the record of my candidate.

Let us not talk about anybody's past business experience unless of course it is my opponent and his running mate.

- Grim X
on Oct 12, 2004
Speaking of Vietnam... it disgusts me to see Kerry talk about his war record like its some accomplishment when he himself declared himself a war criminal (guess i shouldnt be surprised, this candidate will do anything for an extra vote)

both candidates have talked about each other's records(why wouldnt they??) ,

and business experience???? Holy crap, i cant count the number of times Kerry has criticized Bush's oil companies and Edward's has tried to divert attention from himself by throwing out Haliburton... Id say that the candidates(all of them) past matters little unless its politically oriented, and i wish both candidates would stop bringing it up.

(hope i understood your post correctly, seemed you were mocking Bush)
on Oct 12, 2004
More of an equal mocking since Kerry does not like Bush talking about Iraq because it is a controversial war but so readily brings up Vietnam.

- Grim X
on Oct 12, 2004
I read through Leopold's full article and there's nothing in it to substantiate his bald claims. He just says what he wants. Not a shred of proof, not even circumstantial evidence.

And it's so easy to do a hatchet job on someone by taking sound bites out of context (both sides do it); Leopold has done one here for the sole purpose of making Cheney look bad, a rather desperate move if you ask me. I know nothing about commondreams.org but I'll bet I could take a wild stab at their politics and get close.

on Oct 12, 2004
I read it also Daiwa, and the only source I see referenced that supposedly proves Haliburton did this is a Washington Post story. Not a link to the story but a reference. Without any documentation, it is opinion.

dabe, do you have any links to any proof other than speculation?
on Oct 13, 2004

I'm not orchestrating a smear campaign against the Bush/Cheney administration, as some would like to believe that I'm doing. All I'm doing is pointing to articles that should make you think about some of thier past practices. I'm not smearing. I'm not making this stuff up. I'm attempting to expose their self-serving hypocrisy. It's out there for anyone who wants to do some serious investigation. I put it out there to expose some facts that our administration would rather the public did not know. Do a google search on "cheney halliburton". You'll be amazed. This is not slander. This is not smear. I don't make this stuff up. It's real, it has happened, and it should cause people to say "WTF?"
on Oct 13, 2004
"You know I almost don't want GW to win on Nov2. That way we won't have to listen to you whine for 4 years about how bad Bush is!"

Shit, mon! That would work for me!! As for the name calling drmiler, all I can say is Grow up!
on Oct 13, 2004
Drmiller, "Wrong answer jerk" fits right up there with your other standard post response: "ca-ca."

And my other personal favorite:
"You on the otherhand NEVER have a good thing to say about President Bush."

I have yet to see you say anything good about Kerry or Democrats in general and when you really don't have a substantive argument to present, you try to bully the writer into silence via intimidation. Example: the first time you visited my blog site, you basically had nothing to say except your brashly pointing out a typo made by me and another blogger in the "comment section" as if that was suppossed to scare me into silence.

If certain people only want to write about one party, one candidate, or one perspective, that is there right...there are plenty of people out there doing the exact same thing for the opposition. It's called the "free flow of information and ideas." If you hate dabe's posts so much, why do you keep coming back for more? Answer: Everytime you log onto a blog site and do one of your hit-and-run attacks you rack up blogger points. Nice.

dabe, you go right on and keep posting whatever the hell you like whether it's one-sided, three sided, or round! The last time I checked we were still living in a democracy...
on Oct 13, 2004
Wrong answer jerk.

That's such BS. You've always espoused an extreme right wing philosophy, which is fine. Just don't say:
my side taking depnds on who I think is right and have posted as such

unless you also say: and who I think is right will ALWAYS be the conservative.

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