A beginner's work in progress.......
or just discomfort?
Published on January 10, 2005 By dabe In Politics
To the assholes who think that "discomfort" is what we are inflicting upon "enemy combatants", who by the way are predominantly innocent and are never charged, take a look at this site Link I'm posting this because I have read so much disgusting rationalizations for abuse and torture and I find it absolutely abhorent that people think like this. A few examples:

Being attacked by dogs does not constitute torture?

Having to stand in awkward, stressful and painful positions chained to railings and walls for hours on end does not constitute torture?

For men who are extremely private about their sex lives, as part of their religious teachings, being forced to perform sex acts with other men, in front of everyone does not constitute torture?

To be paraded around naked on a leash, hit while handcuffed, hooded so there is no way to know what's coming next, etc. do not constitue torture?

Here are a few more sites:

It really is quite clear that these incidents are not mild abuse. They are torture. Torture of the mind as well as the body. And, the damage done to American interests as a result of these actions will likely take years, if ever, to be overcome.

To those dickheads who think that it's OK for people to treat other people like this, you're disgusting piles of trash. I would hope that you be on the receiving end of this "non-torture"., but I couldn't even wish it on anybody. You're all a disgrace to the American flag, the American way of life, to any global humanity. These things are not "torture-lite", although I understand the idea that Cactoblasta was trying to make. Moderateman (in particular), may you rot in hell, you sick bastard.

on Jan 10, 2005
you should re-edit this and take out the personal attacks on people. Anger against those who would try to deny humanity is understood, but personal attacks or naming of such people is wrong. Your post is strong and clear enough without naming names.
