A beginner's work in progress.......
I'm just wondering...................
Published on January 17, 2005 By dabe In Politics
I have seen this less than affectionate description of left-leaning individuals here at JU, and admittedly, I did not know what a luddite is. So, off I went to OneLook Link my online dictionary of choice to look up the word. Following is the definition I found:

Lud·dite (plural Lud·dites)

1. opponent of new technology: somebody who opposes technological or industrial innovation

2. history 19thC protester against technology: a worker involved in protests in Britain in the 1810s against new factory methods of production and in favor of traditional methods of work

[Early 19th century. Origin uncertain: according to tradition, named for Ned Ludd , an 18th-century farm worker in Leicestershire, England, who destroyed two stocking frames in a fit of rage.]

Lud·dite adjective
Lud·dism noun

OK, so that's the definition. Hmmmmm........ learn something new every day. But, for the life of me, what has this got to do with being a left-leaning person? I am certainly left. But, I am not by any stretch opposed to new technology or innovations. And, I sure was not around in the 19th century to be part of the Luddite Movement. So, this is an analogy, or description, or simile, or whatever, that I just don't understand. In fact, the only reason that I believe the likes of some extremist righties are using it is because it begins with "L" and sounds "clever".

Any of you lefties out there wanna help me out? I've got a few righties blacklisted, and I sure am not opening up my blog to them to answer this. I really do not want this post to become a slugfest, and as word of warning, if anyone gets particularly hateful, I will delete the post, unless of course it becomes fodder for ridicule.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 17, 2005
I've found it amusing that "luddite" has gotten applied to the left, especially considering our stances on stem cell research and other advanced technologies. But if you don't love the smarter bombs, then you must hate technology, right?

And it's pretty silly to call someone a "luddite" when you are having a conversation with them...over a computer. For obvious reasons.

In my experience, the most technologically averse people I know are fundamentalist Christians. Most of them are also pretty a-political as well, so they aren't "rightwingers" or anything of the sort. But that's just anecdotal evidence on my part.

on Jan 17, 2005
I think dabe they are using it as a metaphor. I think they are meaning that you are trying to stay in the past eight years of left wing whacko and not willing to leave the one time hippy generation behind for a new start. i.e. not wanting to embrace new thought. But I may be wrong.
on Jan 17, 2005
i.e. not wanting to embrace new thought. But I may be wrong.

Not wanting to embrace new thought?????? So, how does conservative values equate to new thought? Isn't that oxymoronic? As for staying in the past 8 years of democratic control of the US, it's not about that. Left wing, liberal thought is a philosophy for living. It's not about hanging onto the Clinton years. That's ludicrous. And, if that's what luddite means to righties, then I think I've adequately debunked it, as has Myrrander.

Lee, thanks for the interpretation, but I think it's a major stretch of the imagination to use the term luddite that way. As a metaphor, it's definitely loony and loopy. Worse even than mod's right wing/left wing mdtaphor.
on Jan 17, 2005
And it's pretty silly to call someone a "luddite" when you are having a conversation with them...over a computer. For obvious reasons

Yeah. Must from someone who thought luddite was a curse word.
on Jan 17, 2005
Lee, thanks for the interpretation, but I think it's a major stretch of the imagination to use the term luddite that way.

I think so too. But thats the best I could come up with, with out just saying that it sound good with lefty loopy.

on Jan 17, 2005

Read Al Gore.  Earth in the Balance.  Check out ELF or Greenpeace.

And delete this since it does not agree with your views.

on Jan 17, 2005
It seems to be a case of people using words for which they have no true understanding of the meanings.

But I see that a lot.
on Jan 17, 2005
Having already adopted 'Loopy' and 'Loony' to apply to those with whom he disagrees, poor old frothing-at-the-mouth right-wing paranoiac Dr. Guy struggles to find another insult beginning with 'L' . Mistakenly, he thinks 'Luddite' might even make him sound learned. He attempts to deflect any attempts to take him to task over this by telling the critic to go away and read a book by Al Gore. End of story.
on Jan 17, 2005
Well, I'll admit, the alliterative effect is masterful. Or something.
on Jan 17, 2005

Having already adopted 'Loopy' and 'Loony' to apply to those with whom he disagrees, poor old frothing-at-the-mouth right-wing paranoiac Dr. Guy struggles to find another insult beginning with 'L' . Mistakenly, he thinks 'Luddite' might even make him sound learned. He attempts to deflect any attempts to take him to task over this by telling the critic to go away and read a book by Al Gore. End of story

I take it you did not?  Since you added nothing except ignorance to the discussion?  I guess you just cant stand to read, and must just denigrate that which you dont know.  You got 2 of 3 so far.  Want to try for the trifecta?

on Jan 18, 2005
Ooh, a new word, and three syllables to boot! Top marks, Dr. Guy!

A little more seriously (well, as seriously as I can manage given the subject matter), Dr. Guy may argue - as indeed he does, on a subsequent thread - that LLL is a term that only applies to a very specific subset of the Left. However, if he really meant this, then he wouldn't use it indiscriminately in response to almost anything with which he disagrees - which is of course exactly what he does.

I have to say, I love the increasingly shrill cry to 'read Al Gore' when we question Dr. Guy's use of the term 'Luddite'. Can you imagine name-calling those in Dr. Guy's area of the politic spectrum, and - when they protested - imploring them to read, say, Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' in order to determine why the insult was appropriate? Laughable.

And for all the debate over 'luddite', why does he choose to use both 'loony' AND 'loopy'? They are practically synonymous - why not use just one or the other? Other than the alliteration, there is no extra value in using them both ... apart from pure insult, which appears to be Dr. Guy's forte.

Consequently, I stand by my previous assessment.
on Jan 18, 2005
Dr guy, I'm not deleting your first post. You gave some interesting (for lack of a better word) advice. But remember, I did warn you.........
If you post something off the wall, so to speak, and I consider it fodder for ridicule, it will stay. Furry did a pretty good job of that. So, it stays.

I'm having fun................
on Jan 18, 2005
poor old frothing-at-the-mouth right-wing paranoiac Dr. Guy

if you think this man is right wing, then you have alot to learn about politics.
on Jan 18, 2005

I felt a need to reach out and help you in your quest to find the perfect insulting alliteration. (Must have something to do with my bleeding heart.)

Here is a selection of words beginning with the letter L that make more sense (I've bolded the definitions I think pertain most. ):

Liliputian --n. 1. An inhabitant of Lilliput 2. A very small person, especially, a self-important one. (actually, this may pertain mostly to the right, but feel free to use it on the left. )

Light-headed --adj. 1. Silly; frivolous. 2. Dizzy; delirious

Lame duck Colloq. 3. U.S. A member of a legislature, especially of Congress, whose term continues some time after his defeat for reelection. (hmmm, sound familiar? )

Lickspittle n. A servile flatterer. (an old and very rarely used chestnut, but funny. )

And a few quick ones; no definition required:

Leech(ing), lewd, licentious, libelous, loose, loutish, loogie(slang), lurid, Lydian, limp, lunk-headed.

Hope this helps you create better alliterations.

Insults don't have to be nonsensical to be good.

on Jan 18, 2005

all this alliterative vituperation puts me in mind of our last crooked republican vp and his nattering nabobs of negativism

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