A beginner's work in progress.......
Liberal media, my ass................
Published on February 16, 2005 By dabe In Politics
Imagine the media explosion if a male escort had been discovered operating as a correspondent in the Clinton White House. Imagine that he was paid by an outfit owned by Arkansas Democrats and had been trained in journalism by James Carville. Imagine that this gentleman had been cultivated and called upon by Mike McCurry or Joe Lockhart—or by President Clinton himself. Imagine that this "journalist" had smeared a Republican Presidential candidate and had previously claimed access to classified documents in a national-security scandal.

The above is a quote from an artilcle written by Joe Conason to illustrate how blind the media actually is to left leaning politics. The above is, in fact, completely true, except change the administration to our present day Bush White Wash, I mean House, and think about how liberal the media really is. Or is NOT.

The entire article can be found at Link

If the White Wash, I mean House Press Corps is so tough to access, then how did this fraud, this republican operative gain access? And, how entwined is he in the Valerie Plame outing? And, was there actually collusion to enable this guy's access? These are question that are presently being investigated by Congress. But, where oh where is it in mainstream "liberal" media. We should all be outraged.

on Feb 16, 2005

And when did the liberal media out one of its own?  Nope!  It was bloggers that got Dan Blather.  It was Bloggers that got Eason Jourdan.  Not the liberal media.  They did get this conservative guy.

Makes you think, eh?  Probably not.

on Feb 17, 2005
Your upset about a reporter and his background. Why because he did not question everything The President said. Or is it that you hate gay men. Look, his own sex interest are his. If he breaks the law he should go to jail. The only outrage I see here is you. Your one of those Bush haters aren't you. I'm sorry you lost. Bush won and he'll be in the house for four more years. Ain't crap you can do about it.

citizen joe speaks out.
on Feb 17, 2005
Oh My God..... a conservative in the White House Press Corp!!!!!!

Bring out the pitch forks, we can't have that.

It shows how far left the media has gotten when the White House has to sneak one into it's own briefings. Heheheheheh..... (darn no faces anymore)
on Feb 18, 2005
Lee, did you read the damned article? It's not that he's a conservative. It's because he's a fraud, a pornographer, and a republican plant. Fact is, he is not a reporter, and never has been. The fact is so many people never make it into the White Wash Press Corps because of god knows what. Their background investigations, I suppose, would turn up something. That along with the limited space available. But this gannon scammer gets in. Did the Secret Service ever investigate him? Probably not, because as I said, he was likely a plant, not to be investigated.

As for being gay or not, that has nothing to do with anything. Gay porn or hetero porn is immaterial.

If Clinton, or any other democrat did this, the repubs would be all over it like flies on shit. As it should be. But, notice the double standard here? They're blowing it off, and hoping the press and the public will forget about it. It's truly scandalous.

Read the freakin' article.
on Feb 19, 2005
I did read the Article. It's just another attempt to dig up something that is not there. The writers of this article "The New York Observer" and MediaMatters.org are both a bunch of well known left wing hatchet jobs with no credibility. They take hear say, distant rumor for facts and make surveys/polls with loaded questions that screw even the simplest things to look the way they are not. They both are about as believable as the Inquirer (at least the Inquirer is entertaining).

Your attempts lately to portray the American Media as White House lap dogs has gotten past the giggle and shake of the head stage to just plain sad. You just keep digging for any obscure internet article/group that could possibly be proof to back up your claims. When the only proof that you need to show that the media is a liberal stronghold, is to flip through the four network news shows any given evening, NPR, BBC, or CNN.

The one thing I do agree with you on, was that he could have been a plant. But if the White House press Corp was so friendly to the Bush admin. then why would the White House (or the Evil Guineas Mr. Rove) have to plant someone. For the White House press Corp it would be easy to find the plant. He would be the one that don't spend the first half of a question criticizing / chastising the Government. The rest of the story is just BS and hear say.

That's My Two Cents
on Feb 20, 2005
even though our ports, chemical factories and borders are vulnerable, it's reassuring to know the 38 billion (with a we're spending on homeland security has, at very least, prevented someone using a fake name and some questionable credentials from getting a day press pass that could put him within derringer range of the president.

dunno why i didnt see this earlier but you may find this amusing dabe. .Link

despite all the naysaying above--and the likelihood itll be just one more example of the bush presidency's commitment to machiavellian values swept under the rug--this is an important story. ya done good dabe and you got points from me.
on Feb 20, 2005
bill maher wanted to know if this is who bush was referring to when he said he had a man date?
on Feb 20, 2005

In related news, Larry Flynt has decided to produce an autobiography of GWB's life. I mean, since the Bushies like pornographers so much. Not just that but GAY pornographers. The Irony is so rich I'm having to add water to it just to be able to drink it.

Thanks Dabe, the two of us are the only people pushing this on JoeUser:Blogs from the Conservative Joe.
on Feb 21, 2005
Just more of the same for Republicans. They run news stories that are actually produced by the government. They secretly pay commentators to get their word out. Now they stuff this blogger into the press corps so that when the press secretary runs into a hard question he can call on good old Jeff who will throw him a soft toss to knock out of the park.
Add this to their stand of pre sweeping audiences that could hear the president speak during the campaign, preselecting vocal supporters at a campaign stop for a union that did not have their members there, and the fact that they are against gays and pornography let alone gay pornography, yet allow this person access to the President. The fact that a person is a pornographer would normally disqualify someone from being on the press corps is irrelevent to the right. The fact that an escort would normally be disqualified from the press corps is irrelevent to the right.
on Feb 21, 2005
bill maher wanted to know if this is who bush was referring to when he said he had a man date?


A man date. No wonder liberals were so confused after the elections. Hehehehe..............

In all seriousness, this is a rather awful scandal, even if some righties choose to dismiss it. Where is the mainstream media in all of this? Has the conservatives bought them off this story, too? This administration is really sickening. But, now that Rove is an official operative within the West Wing, things may get really, really ugly now, as opposed to just really ugly.