A beginner's work in progress.......
You all should be ashamed...........
Published on March 24, 2005 By dabe In Politics
Do you guys actually support this criminal, Tom DeLay? Do you really support a leadership that will go to whatever lengths to win? Do you actually align yourself with this scumbag? Do you really believe the means justifies the ends?

1) Delay’s Political Action Committee is under criminal investigation for using corporate monies to finance political campaigns.
2) Delay tried to bribe another congressman to vote for the Medicare Bill. He earned a public admonishment from the House Ethics Committee for this.
3) Delay used taxpayer monies to fuel a partisan hunt for missing democrats in Texas. He was rebuked by the House Ethics Panel for this.
4) Delay set up a children’s charity as a front to collect soft money from anonymous donors. Some of this money was then used for “dinners, a golf tournament, and rock concerts.” This allowed companies who wanted to win favor with Delay to do so without revealing themselves as campaign donors.
5) In another rebuke by the House Ethics Committee, we saw executives at Westar Energy state that they believed their $56,500 contribution to the Delay PAC would get them a “seat at the table” when key energy legislation was going to be drafted. Delay also played in the Westar golf fundraiser, just as the 2002 House-Senate conference on major energy legislation was getting underway,
6) Delay took $100,000 from a Texas prison company as a bill was pending that dealt with the privatization of Texas prisons.
7) Delay received a “private rebuke” in 1999 for misusing his power to payback a trade group that had named a democrat to head their Washington operation. Delay had stopped two uncontroversial trade bills which hurt the trade group in question and told them that they would lose all GOP access unless they hired a republican instead.
8) Delay accepted donations to his own defense fund from two individuals he then named to the very House Ethics Committee that had already been so critical of him. Did you get that America? The House Ethics Committee correctly rebuked Delay three separate times. In response, Delay removed those that would dare be critical of him, and replaced them with people who had already donated money to his defense fund.
9) Delay took an opulent vacation in 2000, paid for by an Indian tribe and a gambling services company, both of which opposed legislation which Delay then voted against, two months later.
10) Delay accepted a trip to South Korea, which was paid for by a South Korean lobbying group, a violation of House rules. The cost of this trip was in excess of $100,000.
11) Delay proposed changes to the House Ethics Committee which “would prevent the committee from launching any investigation without the support of at least one republican – a restriction designed to protect the majority leader.”
12) Delay tried to convince House leaders to abandon an 11 year old rule which required leaders to step aside temporarily if indicted. Delay was facing possible indictment at the time. The idea was dropped because it “sent the wrong message.” Do you think?

This guy is scum. He represents the republican party. He speaks for the republican party. This speaks volumes about the republican party, the party of panderers, criminals, liars and scumbags.

on Mar 24, 2005
You are right. With that list, he would be much more at home in the Democrat party!
on Mar 24, 2005
But, he's not. He's a republican, dubya dummy leader. Indicative of the republican leadership that you seem to love so much.
on Mar 24, 2005
Why are we seeing people like DeLay in positions of power? It is sad to see the way our government in Washington is acting to the detriment of decent Americans. We need to get politicians out of our government!
on Mar 24, 2005

Has he been convicted of anything illegal?

Not everyone can be as pristine as say President Clinton...

on Mar 24, 2005
Has he been convicted of anything illegal?

Not yet, but he will be. Three of his henchmen have already been indicted. His time will come. I think either he will step down quietly, hoping that no one will care, or he will be indicted. And convicted. Just a matter of time.

It always comes back to Clinton with you righties. Amazing how any accusations always result in deflecting the issue by bringing up clinton. Clinton was indicted, but the charges were dropped. And remember, Clinton was indicted for lying to Congress about a blow job, fer cryin' out loud. That's all. As much as the cons tried that's all they came up with. What a fool you are to believe that bringing up Clinton will exonerate Delay. Whay try and protect the SOB? He's a lost cause. But, I guess you pick sides with scum. "Lay down with dogs.... get up with fleas"
on Mar 24, 2005
So what you’re saying is that if three of his henchmen have already been indicted using corporate monies to finance political campaigns. Then Delay is guilty?

Then that means Former V.P. Gore is Guilty also for of receiving Chinese money to finance political campaigns. I personally find that a hundred times worse and could be bordering on treason. I didn't hear you calling for his head. Are you willing to also tell me now that Gore should not speak in any authority for the DNC or run again for any political office ever again (Like he is trying to run for Pres. again now). If you're not willing to call former V.P. Gore guilty ,then you have no right to speak about Delay.

If the courts says he is guilty, then I will stand by your side asking for the resignation of his leadership authority. But until he is convicted, (remember we have laws in this country about innocent until proven guilty) he should do the job that he has been elected too.

That's My Two Cents
on Mar 24, 2005
didnt he used to be hizzoner da mare of chicaga? pretty good trick to reincarnate in texas.
on Mar 24, 2005
I do not believe that Delay did not know about what his henchmen were doing. He's a control freak. He would not have allowed these reprehensible actions to occur unless he OK'd it.

Nothing to do with Gore and his innocence, or lack thereof. Nothing at all, and I won't comment on that. Amazing how you guys just keep bringing up the clintons and now, Gore. It will not absolve delay of any wrongdoing, which was the subject of this article.
on Mar 24, 2005
Yes. We should just ignore the crimes of the Democrats.
on Mar 24, 2005
What crimes? They haven't been convicted of any crimes. Only allegations, which I choose to ignore right now. The topic has nothing to do with the democrats, and no one has yet to even speak on behalf of Delay, except to bring up the democrats. that's just deflecting blame, and ignoring what is right in front of you. But gee, go figure........... you're righties, after all.
on Mar 24, 2005
What crimes? They haven't been convicted of any crimes.

Delay hasn't been convicted of anything either yet. Of course, this is just your excuse to bash Republicans while ignoring the sins of the Democrats, right?
on Mar 25, 2005
What crimes? They haven't been convicted of any crimes.

You’re making my point.

The topic has nothing to do with the democrats, and no one has yet to even speak on behalf of Delay, except to bring up the democrats. that's just deflecting blame, and ignoring what is right in front of you.

and I didn't bring up Gore during the time it happened to him either. Only in responce to your accusations. Because he had not been convicted. I'm not ignoring what is right in front of me. I have said that I'm willing to call for his resignation of Authority, after he has been convicted. The only thing I'm pointing out is that you are wanting to selectively ignore worse supposed crimes due to party affiliation. Personally I feel all convicted corrupt political hacks need to be thrown out, no matter what party they belong to (because I hate all parties). It doesn’t matter right or left.

Now are you willing to say that your motives for wanting this premature hanging party is not based on political affiliation?

on Mar 26, 2005

And hence we have the caliber of liberal debating skills.