A beginner's work in progress.......
Previous reply, rewritten
Published on March 24, 2005 By dabe In Politics
We, as a nation, have embarked down the very slippery slope of fascism. It starts rather insidiously as flag-waving patriotism, and before we know it, crosses the line to fascism. The surveilance, manipulation of the press, our country being run by corporate interests, investigations of library cards and book check-outs, censorship of the media, The list goes on...... Unfortunately, this country has its collective head up its collective ass, which is indicative of how good a job the Republicans are really doing.

The jingoists really cannot see past the benevolent hype that this administration is spewing, which obscurs the insidiousness of its malevolent reality. Surveilence of public places is one example. They use the excuse that it's to protect citizens from the criminal element of society, which may be one potential side effect of this activity. But, in reality, we are all being watched by these cameras. Maybe some cameras placed in strategic locations would be helpful to not necessarily protect anyone from a crime, but rather identify a perpetrator after a crime is committed. Cameras used at bodegas and small all-night stores or banks serve well in this regard, and maybe they can serve as a deterent. But, cameras in large malls where thousands of people are located or along city streets during daylight hours really serve only one purpose, that being to monitor our activities.

It's funny how the Patriot Act, which set up a plethora of personal intrusions, has really only been used to harass civilians who had nothing to do with terrorism. Has anyone been charged for terrorism under the provisions of the Patriot Act? No, people have just been rounded up and are now languishing in "holding" places, i.e. Guantanamo, or those being sent to other countries to be rendered, tortured by those countries who practice such without a legal system that would prevent such activity. These people are sent away without any charges against them. But, has anyone actually been convicted of terrorist activities? I don't know for sure, but I don't think so. The provisions of the Patriot Act are merely used to spy and harass citizens who don't toe the Republican "line".

One of the worst manifestations of fascism is the manipulation of the press. The Bush administration is spoon-feeding propaganda to news stations, packaged as real news, wherein the lazy news producers use the spin as real news. They are getting away with it, and we are in deep, deep trouble. Close-minded individuals who want so badly to believe it's all real news WILL believe it's all real, and they all rely on peoples' sense of patriotism and jingoist attitudes to carry the message. Fascism has taken hold.

Of all the 200 or more federal judges approved by Congress, only ten or so have been balked at by the Democratic minority. Only a few. But, the Republicans portray this as a Democratic conspiracy to bollix up the process, thereby not allowing anyone to get appointed. This is so misrepresentational of the issue, serving to merely deflect the real issue, that being objecting to nominees who are so extremist in their viewpoints, as to likely influence their legal judgments. In fact, it is only the few truly worst of the extremist nominees, and those with questionable credentals that the Democrats are fighting. As long as the Republicans spin it this way, it serves to demonize their opposition, the Democrats. This is exactly what the Republicans do, and which is so scary. They demonize their opposition. The Nazis did it in Germany, but took it to the extreme. Is this where we are going?

I don't hate all conservatives or Republicans. I really don't. I understand how some conservatives really do want to see fiscal responsibility, how they are looking at corporate interests as being the backbone of society. I don't agree, but I understand how some of them are really sincere in their concern for the betterment of the United States of America. But, what scares me is the fact that those who take it upon themselves to carry the Republican message of demonizing the opposition, portraying Democrats as the demise of this country, and actually buy into this lie. Those are the jingoistic fools who are really at the core of what is allowing this fascism to to take hold. It is small-minded, close-minded, and stupid. You know who you are. And I do fear you.

I fear that what you're doing and allowing to happen is so close to what occurred in Nazi Germany, absent the genocide here (yet). In fact, the Republican playbook, spelled out in the Patriot Act, is fashioned directly after the Nazi playbook.
Oh, patriotism........... how insidiously malevolent it can be.

on Mar 24, 2005
The surveilance, manipulation of the press, our country being run by corporate interests, investigations of library cards and book check-outs, censorship of the media, The list goes on...... Unfortunately, this country has its collective head up its collective ass, which is indicative of how good a job the Republicans are really doing.

Goddamn Dabe! You just about said it all right there! I must add, however, that though the Republicans are leading the charge, the Dems aren't doing much of anything about it. Not that they would be allowed to.

As you said, though, the country has it's head up it's ass. The American people will suffer for their apathetic carelessness as they've failed to provide oversight for this nation that is supposed to be "of the people for the people". Because of citizen lack of involvement / engagement, control has been ceded to those powerful individuals who wish to make America work only to their advantage and interest.

One thing that really bites my ass is how some of the bloggers here at JU are informed and know what type of precedents are being set today, but they would rather bicker in "us v. them" style - playing right in to the hands of those at the top who wish to keep the masses in check. As long as we all stay divided, the police state will continue to gel.
on Mar 24, 2005
Yeah patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings as they say. It's interesting how Goering said that if you want to get the population in line, fake an attack then attack the patriotism of the dissenters. Nazi Germany isn't too far different from today's USA.
on Mar 24, 2005
We don't even need compromise, Helix, just the gumption to meet on the common ground of preserving America's original framework. Problem is, most Americans simply don't care about the legislative rending of democratic underpinnings as they don't understand how it affects their lives and that of their fellow citizen.

I will ask though have you, Deference, or Dabe..met someone who's been violated by the patriot act/mass surveilance?

Yep. A friend of mine of middle eastern descent was quietly detained for over six months in a Missouri prison. He was there with many others who had visas to stay in the U.S. . He had lived here for over ten years and was naturalized. He was a 20 year old whose only crime was that he was from Saudia Arabia. No one would have known that he'd been secretly arrested and locked up if it hadn't been for INS checking with his mother on his visa status. She hadn't seen him for many weeks and was very worried about him. She contacted her Representative and told the rep of his disappearance and the fact INS had asked about him. A month later she was able to visit him in prison.

My little brother does quite a bit of protesting. He's been visited by the FBI twice now, once to tell him to stay away from the Republican National Convention and again to tell him to stay away from the latest WTO meeting. (He was maced with riot gas and detained during a non-violent WTO protest in Florida a few years ago)

As for surveillance, I don't know if anyone (including myself) has been targeted for surveillance. That's scary, though, because one no longer has to be told under the current laws. That possibility is unhinging. I'm not doing anything wrong, but it is highly inappropriate that an American citizen be subject to non-discretionary monitoring in the first place. Wouldn't you agree? See what I mean by common ground? Conservatives and Liberals alike hold common ground in the area of privacy - neither wants the government poking in and about their personal affairs.

Finally, the fact that less then one third of Americans own a firearm of some sort would do squat against the well funded American military. Our guns would be like pea shooters compared to the weapons of the U.S. military. Small cities (pop. 60,000) like Columbia, MO are now equipping and training their local police dept. with armored vehicles and SWAT teams. The National Guard could even be ushered in to assist. Think our own troops can't be used against us? Think again. I believe you read my 6 ways to tell you really are living in a totalitarian dictatorship Remember FEMA? Declaring martial law in a time of "civil unrest" (i.e. civilians taking up arms against an authoritarian government) enables our troops to stand citizens down. Guess who will "just be following orders? Why? Because that is what our military is training soldiers to do. Specifically in cities, specifically citizens who cry about "constitutional rights". Here is a link to the Operation Urban Warrior Web page describing in detail and with video how they are training to subdue whole cities via urban warfare.


The US will *never* be Nazi Germany.. too many private citizens own firearms and would not allow the government to round up the 'insert name here' and commit mass genocide. It may however come down to a civil war, but never will we lay down and go quietly.. no matter how slowly boiled we are.

Ah, you remember the "frog in a pot" analogy!
on Mar 24, 2005
thank you, deference. I'm glad there are others who KNOW these things to be true. Neocons are an insidious bunch, and how disheartening that so many just buy into their trash.

These are black times in American history, and we'll be paying war reparations, on top of the tax cuts to the wealthy for decades, if not generations. Maybe, hopefully, some of these blind jerks will see
on Mar 24, 2005
Dabe, when you use the word "collective", does it have a double meaning?
on Mar 26, 2005
Dabe, the only thing more entertaining than your absolute paranoia is how you seem to have recently awoken to a world of cameras, surveilance and a press that would rather drop the ball than report the news.

I haven't worked security for a decade now, but what you bring up here as a "republican" problem were all in place back then. Did you sleep through the 40 years of democrat dominance up until the mid 90s (or does if suit your rants better to merely act as if that never happened)?

Cameras used at bodegas and small all-night stores or banks serve well in this regard, and maybe they can serve as a deterent. But, cameras in large malls where thousands of people are located or along city streets during daylight hours really serve only one purpose, that being to monitor our activities.

I'll chalk your lack of understanding in how information gathered through video cameras where "thousands of people are located" to blissful ignorance. The truth is, without these surveilance systems, most child abductions among these "thousands of people" would have been successful, since it is all but impossible for security personel to follow a person through that kind of crowd, yet it is relatively easy to track them, and the kid with the cameras in place.

If you want to point your booger stained finger at anyone for what you imagine as tightened holds on our rights, look no further than We, The People.

Everytime a kid get abducted, a parent is caught on tape abusing their kids, a drug deal is caught on tape, cops are caught on tape beating a "perp", or any other crime is shown to the world through the lense of a camera; We, The People applaud and cry for more...

Everytime someone shoplifts from a store, steals equipment and supplies from work, plays online games while on company time, or other crimes against businesses, more company assets must be used to counter these thieves.

I've always thought a good subject for study would be to figure out how much of our GDP is from security services. I know when I busted shoplifters, the contract between the company I worked for and one chain of stores was worth well over $100,000 a year. A price the chain gladly paid because they were losing more than 5 times that to shoplifting and employee theft.

Pull your head out of your partisan hindquarters and breath fresh air for once!! Encrouchment is not a Republican thing or a Democrat thing. It is what happens when We, The People insist the government protect us FROM OURSELVES!!!!
on Mar 28, 2005
Encrouchment is not a Republican thing or a Democrat thing. It is what happens when We, The People insist the government protect us FROM OURSELVES!!!!

I agree. This is not a partisan issue. That said, because Republicans are the dominant party and because they have led such a charge against civil liberties (with the dem.'s tagging along) it is not surprising that they receive the brunt of criticism, or even, the credit for recent changes.