A beginner's work in progress.......
Liberated from a dipshit's blog
Published on March 25, 2005 By dabe In Politics
I just posted this to a rather stupid dipshit's blog, who had nothing to say, other than comment on how I was eating my eleven children, born out of wedlock. What a fucking moron. I am reposting this because that moron is blacklisted from my blog, and I wanted this to stand on its own, without his useless and stupid commentary.


Starving children in third world countries, including USA, and those who are in the final episode of life, due to illness and/or injury, are not equatable. I would never advocate starving healthy people. Unlike you, who seems to support all the budget cuts that bush and his death cult neocons are quietly slip-sliding through congress, while the country is distracted by Schiavo, Jackson, baseball steroids, and the like. In fact, those budget cuts will cut $billions from the working poor's ability to obtain food stamps and health care, of all goddamm things. Gee, then see who will be starving, if not to death, then into delayed development, but the children, including those in the womb, for whom the neocons are also cutting neonatal care. Amazing how all these compassionate NOT people come out of the woodwork for this one sorry case, while the rest of the country is going to hell in a handbasket.

But, let's not stop there....... after those who don't die get to go to school, let's cut the education budgets, then when the poor get so frustrated and hopeless, and deranged, let's give em guns to shoot up their schools.

Oh, but wait, there's more. Let's privatize the prisons, so when we house these poor slobs, the prison owners can get richer and richer.

Oh but wait, there's more....... while the neocon death cult is busy cutting all these budgets, let's cut the taxes for the wealthiest, let them get so fucking rich, and then they can buy more HDTV's, which some poor slob is making minimum wage, which they have also voted not to raise, builds those damn entertainment boxes. Let's call it a boost to the economy, and because the economy is so boosted, let's allow these neocons to vote themselves raises, so they can make more money and buy bigger HDTV's.

As for my personal experiences, I do not feel like sharing with the likes of you, whipsy. Suffice it to say, it was his wish, and he died peacefully after a long and protracted illness. Kind of like Schiavo, I would think. Her husband would know, as court after court, judge after judge, and doctor after doctor have already determined. Everyone except all the compassionate NOT who are busy vilifying her husband, her doctors, and the judges. What a bunch of freakin' hypocrits you guys really are. You're all disgusting.
on Mar 25, 2005

So how much did you donate the charity last year? How much did you pay in taxes last year? How much did you volunteer to pay extra last year?

What's your problem with rich people? Do you think they just all inherited their wealth? I know a lot of "rich" people and they're wealthy because they work more hours per week, take more risks, etc.  Last week I worked 73 hours.  How many hours did you work? 

I don't own a HDTV but let's say I bought one. The money spent on that then is fed into the economy -- the store clerk gets paid, the other people at the store get paid. The people who shipped the HDTV to the store get paid. The people who built it get paid.  And you're quibbling because some of these people didn't get paid enough?  It's better for the government to pay them for doing nothing?

The education budgets haven't even been cut.  Compare education spending today to 2000. It's much higher now, even when adjusted for inflation.  Being poor doesn't make people go out and commit crimes. If that were true, then the crime rate during the great depression would have gone up. It didn't.  There are a lot of studies on poverty and crime and there's no correlation that being poor makes you more likely to be a criminal.  However, those with criminal tendancies tend to end up poor. 

But ultimately, why do you have such concern over some people earning money? Privatizing prisons is bad because the people who run the prisons might get wealthy? So what? How does that hurt anything? If they can provide an effective, humane prison and do so at a profit then that is good for everyone.

This class envy thing you've got going seems very self-destructive.

on Mar 25, 2005

Starving children in third world countries, including USA, and those who are in the final episode of life, due to illness and/or injury, are not equatable

As I said in the other Blog, yes it is.  What part of starve and death do you not understand?

on Mar 25, 2005
(edited by Admin) This is your last warning David, we will allow you to keep one of your commnets here but you are banned from this site. Further comments will be edited to whatever we want them to say. We have no tolerance for abusive jerks who obviously have too much time on their hands.
on Mar 25, 2005
Once more, in case you haven't gotten the hint:

Draginol: Pipe down, bitch. You are out of line talking to a lady like that. Not quite as bad as the "You need to shut your piehole, woman" stuff you let Fake Doc #1 get away with here, but ignorant nonetheless.

Most of the rest of the garbage you spew is ridiculosuly wrong. Poverty does lead to crime, a small child can comprehend that but evidently you can't. Your understanding of economics has been so consistently weak that I'd be surprised if you've ever taken anything above Econ 101.

You get off on bullying girls on the internet, don't you?

Try picking on someone like me and I'll hand you your ass on a platter, just like I have EVERY time you and I have debated. I don't blame you for banning me here, because you could never take the heat of The Full St. Hubbins.

You are a small, weak, gutless pansy who gets off on bullying women while hiding behing your computer. How pathetic.

David St. Hubbins
on Mar 25, 2005
Boy, you just don't get it. What a hopeless sap. I have no problem with people becoming rich. If you want to work 150 hours a week, I could give a rat's ass. But, what I do have a problem with is people who get rich off the backs of the poor and working class, which is pretty much what I was getting at in this article. What I have a problem with is the hypocracy all you righties hide behind; all the lies; all the rationalizations; all the heads up your asses.

The problem with capitalism is that most capitalists are greedy SOB's. I think Humphrey said that, but I'm not sure. Whatever. It's right on, bro. You qualify.
on Mar 26, 2005

Oh yea, David, I'm really afraid of you. How about this David, I think you're a pathetic loser who hangs out on a site he's been banned from because he has nothing else to do. I suspect you have few, if any friends in real life. There's no other reason you'd pitifully be hanging out here otherwise. 

And anyone who knows me knows I speak the same way in person as I do on-line.  There was nothing abusive or nasty in my comment to Dabe.  Only a complete ass, such as yourself, could possibly construe it as somehow "bullying a girl".  Perhaps you should try going outside. Get a girlfriend and discover that they're not so delicate and weak as you apparently imagine them to be.

One other thing, to disuade you David, every post of yours I find on my site form here on out I am going to edit to say whatever I choose it to say.

Dabe - you are a capitalist are you not? Do you not have a job? You sell your labor in exchange for money. Are you "greedy"? You didn't answer any of the questions about how much you are contributing to society.

I'll compare how much I've contributed to society up against what you've contributed any day.  I don't like hypocricy either and it's lefties like you, who do nothing but bitch and moan while doing nothing that gets on my nerves.  The only reason you have the ability to write your idiotic bullshit is because a "righty" like me allows you to out of the goodness of his heart. 

I provide this site to you free of charge. It has no business justification, I simply wanted to provide a free avenue for people to express themselves and be heard. I was motivated because I saw that the blogsphere was increasingly dominated by a small group (usually right wingers btw) and wanted to provide a system that elevated bloggers based on the quality of what they write and not purely based on how prolific they are.  

So I say to you - if you're going to name call me and say I'm "greedy" then show what you've done for society. 

I disagree with your political philosophies but i don't go around saying you're a horrible person or impugning your character.