A beginner's work in progress.......
Published on August 8, 2005 By dabe In Misc
And that's all I wanted to say.
(someday, they'll let me back, so we can debate scary suns.)

on Aug 08, 2005
Now this is a scary sun

on Aug 08, 2005
Scary Sun Link

on Aug 08, 2005
dude, it is so disgustingly hot

i'm hiding in a dark little room with about 3 fans blowing on me

and the sun is trying to kill me

i swear it


on Aug 08, 2005

on Aug 08, 2005
Hehe...nice. I haven't read the article that prompted this (I just woke up...hey...I'm 5+ hours behind you guys), but I agree that first sun was terrifying.

PS - Myrrander, the sun isn't trying to kill you...it's lightning. Hehe.