A beginner's work in progress.......
Published on August 9, 2005 By dabe In Politics

on Aug 09, 2005

The death rate of combat wounded is 10%, far lower then the 30% of WWII and 24% of Vietnam. This info comes from the Harvard Gazette: Link

If you are saying that 9,000 soldier have died outside of Iraq and about only 29% of combat wounded ever even leave Iraq for medical treatment, then that would mean that about 300,000 soldier have been combat wounded of the 1,048,884 soldier who have rotated through Iraq. Link That would be almost a full one third of the soldiers.

Of the four units from my State's National Guard that has served or are serving in Iraq (a total of 434 soldier), only one has been wounded to an IED (sent to Germany) and one died in a roll over accident. Three of these units would be considered high risk units. I guess that some how one third of those soldiers forgot about being wounded. Then lets say ten percent of those wounded (14), standing in the welcome home formation forgot they died of those wounds. Also none of those soldier's families even noticed that they came home in a coffin.

Only 13,189 soldiers have received medical treatment in Iraq for every thing ranging from a John Kerry wound, sick stomach, vehicle accident, or actual combat wound. Link
on Aug 10, 2005
The death rate of combat wounded is 10%, far lower then the 30% of WWII and 24% of Vietnam. This info comes from the Harvard Gazette: Link

I'm aware of these numbers. Yes, we've become really good at keeping them alive, sans arms, legs and sight, but they are alive. Mostly happy to be alive, I would imagine. And, I'm not disputing your numbers here. In fact, you've given me quite the pause, so I've done my own digging to see exactly what the death toll is about.

What I continue to come up with, including the links you posted, is that the 1800 plus is the accurate number. What finally convinced me that the Doonesbury cartoon is off is the Daily Kos article Link basically debunking the 9,000 number. And, it does make sense. It's a good read. Exerpted here:

......For about the past year and a half, Michael and I have been joined in the research by Evan D., an historian in the Washington D.C. area, and by Lynn L., another researcher whose husband is in the 4th ID. So that makes 4 of us searching the news media and the military sites, each and every day mind you, for deaths.And after all this time, we all four of us concur. Yes, there are a few unreported deaths, which I'll explain in a minute. But not thousands. We'd have found them if there were. ...........

I suppose I could take down the article, but I won't. I'll leave it up as a debunker. Thanks, Lee, for your response.
on Aug 11, 2005
Imagine that. Someone getting their "facts" from a cartoon and far left website.