A beginner's work in progress.......
when the neocon head are gonna start rolling.............
Published on August 10, 2005 By dabe In Politics
Ya gotta wonder............

Now that the story broke that Muhammed Atta and his gang were names that US intelligence had a year before 9-11, and they did nothing about it, basically dropping the entire ball,

Ya gotta wonder........

Now that the 9-11 Commission has concluded its business and no longer has any subpoena powers.........

Ya gotta wonder............

What else is going to come out about the failure of the intelligence to prevent the 9-11 tragedy?

Basically, I'm not of the mindset that this government conspired to create the tragedy, though if you google around the net, you'll find lots and lots of conspiracy theorists. However, I really do believe that this administration was (and still is) so frought with conflicts of interest and so blinded by their self-serving money-grubbing oil schemes that they ignored the intelligence in order to advance their policies and profit margins. Hence, the Iraq quagmire. Hence, the Iran problem. Hence, the thousands and thousands of dead, dying, maimed, and yet to be dead, dying and maimed people, including the children who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And, let's not forget the years of pollution that the depleted uranium is going to do to the Iraqis for generations.

I'm just wondering when this dumbass president of ours and all his henchmen are going to fall down and go splat. History is gonna skewer the bastards.

Ya gotta wonder just how long it's gonna take for the neocon backpeddling and excuses.............. Oh, never mind. They're already doing that.

on Aug 10, 2005
Maybe Clint Black will mention it at the 9/11 hoedown!
on Aug 10, 2005
Now, I've got drmiler blacklisted from my blog, because his replies are always so devoid of any real thought, and he's a kind of pain in the arse. Case in point:

He created a whole new article only to respond to my article. Gee, how thoughtful.

This is in reply to dabe's ya gotta wonder thread. We're wondering where "your" head is?Lets see, it happened on 9/11/2001 right? Bush NEVER took office until Jan 2001. So if they knew 12 months before that, whose lap does that dump it in? Slick Willie's of course.Grow up dabe!Ya gotta wonder..............

Well, let's see........ 9-11-01 less 1-xx-01 equals ........ wait, I think I have enough fingers........ yeah, eight, maybe nine months of Bush watch, approximately, though not quite a full year. Now, here's the problem. When the Clinton staff was leaving the white house, they have stated over and over that they were trying to impress upon the incoming administration, that being the bushies, that terrorism and Bin Laden, and the Taliban should be at the very top of the agenda, because something was coming down. So, what does the dubya dummy do? Well, well, well, boys and girls, he hires his lover, Condi Rice, to resurrect the Star Wars program. In fact, our fearless National Security Advisor really only knew one thing, that being Star Wars, a failed concept as it was. In fact, the bushies totally ignored the pleading, they totally ignored the intelligence, and they proceeded to calculate how they were going to get at Iraq's oil.

Along came 9-11. How, freakin' convenient for them. They could hitch the Iraq planning to 9-11, and do what they were planning to do, and no one would be any the worse for wear, except may Saddam. But, he's a thug anyway, and the Americans can be convinced about the "necessity" to take him down.

You see, drmiler, you're ignoring that the bushied did freakin' NOTHING. And, in fact, this article is really about what kind of intelligence where they really hiding, not disclosing, otherwise ignoring, until after the Commission report and the inability to be subpoenaed. That's the point, for those who may have missed it.

When all else fails, back peddle into Clinton. How utterly true to the neocon form.

Sheesh, sometimes.......... some people............. fer cryin out loud. Yeah, ya sure gotta wonder about some of 'em. Or not.
on Aug 10, 2005
This info was bounced around a full year before the event, during the Clinton Admin. Was this info ever provided to the Bush Admin? Most info like Atta would most likely never have cross a Presidential appointee's desk during the time of the event or even at anytime after. This type of internal information would be and most likely was kept just that internal.

Also, without the Patriot Act in place, obtaining info of activities or retaining of a suspected terrorist would be almost imposable during a time when IRS agents had more law enforcement tools for hunting down tax dodgers then FBI agents following suspected terrorist.

Remember this event took place during a time when flying airplanes into building was limited to action adventure novels. Hind sight is 20/20.
on Aug 11, 2005
Remember this event took place during a time when flying airplanes into building was limited to action adventure novels.

not totally accurate. they came very close to blowing up 12 commercial jets and crashing one into the pentagon several years earlier.

it musta been fairly well known cuz i read about it sometime before bush was elected.
on Aug 11, 2005
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahaah well he blacklisted me altho he couldnt block me from seeing one of his most unintentionally true statements of all time. it was so good i hadda use it as the title for a new article

see if you can locate it hahahahahaha
on Aug 11, 2005
I'm just wondering when this dumbass president of ours and all his henchmen are going to fall down and go splat. History is gonna skewer the bastards

You know Dabe.. for me I come to the conclusion a long time ago that nothing happens without reason, sometimes we are just too close to see the forest for the trees.. but one thing I do know is that nothing is without consequence. Every action has a reaction, maybe not immediate but somewhere in the future we will understand much more about the events of 9/11.

If anything it helped the world to shake out of its complaicency, but it has also allowed fear to dominate peoples minds and allowed the politicians to use this fear to promote their agenda, you will fear this terrorism and we will slowly take away every right and civil liberty you have,, in the name of freedom, so that you will be safe from the terrorists.

Sure check our bags, tap into our homes and our lives, implant chips into our bodies so you can track us, who cares if your not doing anything wrong right? If you arent doing anything then why should you worry? Worry because who is to say what is right and wrong? Who is to say what you do now wont be considered against the agenda of the world governments in the future?

Then inthe name of freedom we will become slaves to our own fears.

Divert peoples attention to the fears that the "terrorists" are going to get you and while your afraid, and willing to give up the very rights and freedoms the forefathers fought for, then we will take control.

Conspiracy? Maybe.. but it is happening right now.

on Aug 11, 2005
altho he couldnt block me from seeing one of his most unintentionally true statements of all time.

Absolutely fabulous. Heheheeheheheh. Hmmmmm.............. Intell..... Bush.......... yup. Quite the oxymoron.

Dang, I wish I could post in the forums, just so I could respond to some of you and Myrrander's latest stuff. Yup, I saw your article. Thanks for posting it. It was way too good to pass up.
on Aug 11, 2005
Conspiracy? Maybe.. but it is happening right now.

Absolutely. In fact, the invasion of Iraq was a conspiracy, which has been pointed out. They were just trying to figure out how to do it, when 9-11 happened. The conspiracy now is that they have folded and magnified our fear to justify their actions, their survelence, their Patriot Act, the deliberate whittling and erosion of our rights. You are absolutely correct. It now really does qualify as conspiracy.

It's fun watching them squirm over what to do with the Iran problem, that being the nuclear arms race they've resurrected. It's fun to watch Rove squirm over the Rove problem. It will be fun to watch them be taken down. It saddens me that so many people buy into their lunacy with totally blind patriotism. I find that to be really pathetic.
on Aug 11, 2005
When all else fails, back peddle into Clinton. How utterly true to the neocon form

Just as you and col constantly blame Bush for everything that happens in the world. The fact is Sept. 11 was planned years before it happened, but yet all you can do is blame Bush. Typical.

Absolutely. In fact, the invasion of Iraq was a conspiracy, which has been pointed out. They were just trying to figure out how to do it, when 9-11 happened. The conspiracy now is that they have folded and magnified our fear to justify their actions, their survelence, their Patriot Act, the deliberate whittling and erosion of our rights. You are absolutely correct. It now really does qualify as conspiracy.

There is no conspiracy, and "pointed out" by you means "we have no proof".
on Aug 11, 2005

it musta been fairly well known cuz i read about it sometime before bush was elected.

Guess that must be Bush's fault as well.

Ya gotta wonder about the people trying to blame him for the cruxifiction too. Eh Dabe?

on Aug 11, 2005
It still amazes me how these people blame Bush for every single problem in the U.S. and the world. I have yet to see a post about our intelligence failures prior to the first WTC bombing. Terrorism in the U.S. did not start on Sept. 11, but our fighting back did. I guess that's what this is all about.