A beginner's work in progress.......
Intelligent Design IS a gaping hole
Published on August 13, 2005 By dabe In Politics
Evolution has "gaping holes".

Intelligent design IS a gaping hole.

"To explain the origin of the DNA/protein machine by invoking a supernatural Designer is to explain precisely nothing, for it leaves unexplained the origin of the Designer. You have to say something like 'God was always there', and if you allow yourself that kind of lazy way out, you might as well just say 'DNA was always there', or "Life was always there', and be done with it." --Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker : Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design p. 141 Buy the book Link

In other words, evolution may have gaps in the scientific chain, but ID is a big, fat, lazy NOTHING perpetrated by big, fat, lazy and meaningless thinkers who want to infiltrate our schools with religious dogma. If my children were still in school, I'd have them opt out of any science class that would teach ID or creationism as science, the same way any parents could opt their kids out of any health education that they felt was not in keeping with their faiths.

ID and creationism are religious dogma. I am not an anti-religious zealot, unless you think that the separation of church and state constitutes anti-religiousness, which is specious and disengenuous and outright bushshit, I mean bullshit, at best. "

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 15, 2005
as a ku kux klan pigess, i can vouch for the presence of big gaping holes in both the men and women folk. some got in betwen the legs while others between the ears. No difffernce, where still redneck little-dip shisps that can't admit that W left us redneks hodling the bag while the city slickers up north roll super size meatballs to whack eachother upside the head. My Sauasgge's burining on the stove.


on Aug 15, 2005
And if only one finger would suffice, why are you pointing 3 at yourself?

I guess I just do not understand this reference. Please enlighten me to the relevance of pointing 3 fingers.

Have you considered that maybe schools would be better off if they just taught Science. Without all the theories. Kids just wanna experience the joy of Science, and biology...but that is another story.

Well, I think the first part of this quote was already handled, but I gotta weigh in anyway. What the freakin' hell are you talking about? Science without theories is not science. It's just silly and pointless stories. Sheesh.................. And, I suppose you think that kids just wanna experience biology and science cuz it's a game to play, with pretty experiments making volcanoes and disecting frogs? But, oh no! They are learning to conduct experiments, test theories, hypothesize. Yeah, you're right. That is another story.

There, I made it though without saying "jesustard," are you proud of me Dabe?

Oh, I'm very proud of you, myrrander. But, I almost blew it.

on Aug 15, 2005
Dabe, I've put your access back to Citizen.
on Aug 15, 2005
Thank you, Brad. I really do appreciate it.
on Aug 16, 2005

I guess I just do not understand this reference. Please enlighten me to the relevance of pointing 3 fingers.

When you point a finger at someone, 3 fingers are pointing back at you.

Congratulations on your freedom.

on Aug 17, 2005
Hey, Dabe, glad to have you back among the living!

on Aug 17, 2005
When you point a finger at someone, 3 fingers are pointing back at you

Well, that's rather juvenile. A sticks and stones kind of thing. And, thanks for the welcome back. I just returned from a business trip a bit ago. I've got some reading and replying to do. But, maybe later.
on Aug 17, 2005
Technically, ID has been put forth as a non-religious hypothesis (coulda been aliens, who knows?) on the origin of life. Since aliens are unlikely to be proposing legislation in our statehouses and atheists would have no interest, that's just a cover story - the whole notion of pushing ID comes from individuals and entities having a religious agenda, or at least a vested interest in validating a supreme being, admitted or not. And, yes, they're not pushing the actual teaching of ID in schools (I know, I know), just the mere (mandatory) mention of it before evolution is taught, never mind that evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life, only its, umh... evolution. While I generally agree with BakerStreet on most things, I don't accept his contention that we need the ID disclaimer to make public school a more "comfortable" place for children of religious families. And while I'm not insulted like Howard Dean was (just me or has anyone else noticed how easy it is to offend that guy?), I am rather disappointed that President Bush weighed in on the subject.

Anyway, aside from just about every other possible thing, I completely agree with you, dabe.

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