A beginner's work in progress.......
Intelligent Design IS a gaping hole
Published on August 13, 2005 By dabe In Politics
Evolution has "gaping holes".

Intelligent design IS a gaping hole.

"To explain the origin of the DNA/protein machine by invoking a supernatural Designer is to explain precisely nothing, for it leaves unexplained the origin of the Designer. You have to say something like 'God was always there', and if you allow yourself that kind of lazy way out, you might as well just say 'DNA was always there', or "Life was always there', and be done with it." --Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker : Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design p. 141 Buy the book Link

In other words, evolution may have gaps in the scientific chain, but ID is a big, fat, lazy NOTHING perpetrated by big, fat, lazy and meaningless thinkers who want to infiltrate our schools with religious dogma. If my children were still in school, I'd have them opt out of any science class that would teach ID or creationism as science, the same way any parents could opt their kids out of any health education that they felt was not in keeping with their faiths.

ID and creationism are religious dogma. I am not an anti-religious zealot, unless you think that the separation of church and state constitutes anti-religiousness, which is specious and disengenuous and outright bushshit, I mean bullshit, at best. "

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 13, 2005

In other words, evolution may have gaps in the scientific chain, but ID is a big, fat, lazy NOTHING perpetrated by big, fat, lazy and meaningless thinkers who want to infiltrate our schools with religious dogma. If my children were still in school, I'd have them opt out of any science class that would teach ID or creationism as science, the same way any parents could opt their kids out of any health education that they felt was not in keeping with their faiths.

You see, you had a valid article.  And then you resort to stupidity.  Your own.  just remember the 3 fingers.  I am glad you dont have children in school, I would hate to be their teacher.  I want young minds willing to learn, not prejudiced minds that cant learn.

on Aug 13, 2005
I am glad you dont have children in school, I would hate to be their teacher.

And, I would hate for you to be their teacher. I cannot stand the thought of a teacher with as prejudiced a mind as yours who thinks that teaching ID or creationism in a science class is acceptable. Talk about stupidity - yours............. Remember, I said "science class". And, one more time............


Besides, only one finger would suffice.
on Aug 13, 2005

I cannot stand the thought of a teacher with as prejudiced a mind as yours who thinks that teaching ID or creationism in a science class is acceptable

Guess you dont read so well either.  You really need to learn how to read and listen.  neither of which is evident in your hateful diatribe.  You had a good thesis. But you fell down on the writing.

And if only one finger would suffice, why are you pointing 3 at yourself?

on Aug 13, 2005
I am sorry Doobie, but I have to agree with Dr. Guy here. Part of the problem with Evolutionists is there lack of tolerance for the views of others. Now regarding your main point.

Evolution has holes
Intelligent design is a gaping hole.

This is the problem with the one-trick-poney line, it is the only point you have. Have you considered that maybe schools would be better off if they just taught Science. Without all the theories. Kids just wanna experience the joy of Science, and biology...but that is another story.
on Aug 13, 2005
Gob stopped, well ya have to admit ya had a good thing goin' for awhile there.
on Aug 13, 2005

but I have to agree with Dr. Guy here.

That is a first!

on Aug 13, 2005
Have you considered that maybe schools would be better off if they just taught Science. Without all the theories.

Are you joking? Do you know enough (any) science to understand what you're saying?
on Aug 13, 2005

I am sorry Doobie, but I have to agree with Dr. Guy here. Part of the problem with Evolutionists is there lack of tolerance for the views of others. Now regarding your main point.

Yes, religious people are historically very tolerant..

Anyway, I don't care what other people believe. If you want to believe the Easter Bunny conjured us up an hour ago, go for it.  I only care if the public schools start trying to "teach" my child that we all came from the Easter Bunny.

on Aug 13, 2005
I agree, the Easter Bunny only lays chocolate eggs, but the failing theory of evolution lays poisonous seeds of doubt in the hearts and minds of children. Similairly, too does Creationism when it is using discoveries to force itself into the minds that can only receive such knowledge by divine revelation. I am for pure Science, where only facts are retained and the theories are shelved until someone actually proves them true. I do not think that the Bible was designed as a Science textbook, it should be with all the other good books of religion, in the comparitive religious section. The Bible reveals the Saviour.
on Aug 13, 2005

I only care if the public schools start trying to "teach" my child that we all came from the Easter Bunny.

That would explain my cotton tail!

on Aug 14, 2005
I cannot reply in the forums, and in that this topic is similar to my topic here, that being that being that being anti-ID in science class is tantamount to bigotry against Christians, which is patently absurd, I find the need to post this here:

So no, you're nothing as passionate or romantic as a zealot, just a common, garden variety bigot, the Archie Bunker of the left.

For those of you following the ID debate, here is a KKKer calling an anti-IDer in schools a bigot. Now, that's a hoot.
on Aug 14, 2005

For those of you following the ID debate, here is a KKKer calling an anti-IDer in schools a bigot. Now, that's a hoot.

See?  You can respond civilly.

on Aug 15, 2005
Dabe, I have to agree with some of the prior responses. Your proposition is spot on, and the couplet works well. However, I found it hard to continue siding with you as I read to the bottom of your article, because even I felt antagonized.

Do you mind if I borrow that couplet though?

where only facts are retained and the theories are shelved until someone actually proves them true

Aeryck, do you realize that almost every conclusion in science is a theory? (Don't forget scientific theory has a significantly different meaning than theory has taken on in common speech, i.e. hypothesis.) If theories were shelved until complete, they'd never get tested further to iron out the wrinkles and fill in the holes. Take out the theories, and all you have is first-hand observations, without any structure to add to, or alter based upon that evidence. All of human learning and accomplishment is based upon iterative processes, where we look at what's going on, try to describe it, and when that doesn't work, alter the description to incorporate the new behavior.

Direct observation on its own could work at early grade levels, but if you leave out all scientific theories then every student is re-inventing the wheel, significantly inhibiting our ability to progress significantly.
on Aug 15, 2005
I'll agree to ID in science class when Evolution is brought up in Church on Sundays

I'd take that in a trade off
on Aug 15, 2005
Have you considered that maybe schools would be better off if they just taught Science.

We'd have to get rid of gravitational theory, atomic theory, genetic theory, the theory of relativity, magnetic theorty, cell theory -- geez, we'd have to get rid of, well, Science. Which many creationists would be happy about. Then they could get back to saying that thunder and lightning is angels bowling and God crying.

There is a lot of evidence out there for both micro- and macroevolution. It isn't unfortunately, simple enough stuff to put on a TV program -- people holding signs make much easier pap for the media. Especially schmucks like Bill O'Reilly.

There, I made it though without saying "jesustard," are you proud of me Dabe?
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