A beginner's work in progress.......
Nah, maybe dubya....................
Published on August 15, 2005 By dabe In Politics
Some people get their knickers so knotted because I dis our fearless dubya. Apparently, there are 21 White Wash, I mean House individuals Link being investigated for the Plame leak. Well, really I do think they should all go to jail, starting with Rove.

on Aug 15, 2005
Thinkprogress.com? Do you believe everything on the internet?
on Aug 15, 2005
I've been yacking about Rove for awhile, and along with my stuff about Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff, I kept getting told that I was overreacting...well, Jack's been indicted and there's this big investigation of Rove going on. And DeLay? He's too busy propping up his sweatshops in the Pacific to help out his friends over in the White House...Rove and Libby might go down for this, but only because they'll be the fall guys for the real perpetrators -- Bush and Cheney themselves.

Do you believe everything on the internet?

I don't, especially your blog (and others like it).

on Aug 16, 2005
A little wet dream for ya there, dabe. You apparently will buy into anything. I read through your link - bit of a joke, really. I knew the article had no credibility when it attributed the quote "I've already said too much." to Rove when that was only Cooper's recollection and a poor one at that ("I'm pretty sure he said..."). All the rest is just a bunch of wishful thinking. You should also be careful what you say - noone other than the special prosecutor & the grand jurors, knows who, among the "WhiteWash Staff," if any, are being "investigated," least of all you.

Enjoy your little game.

on Aug 16, 2005

Dont you just love how the left is all for justice and truth - except when it comes to people that dont agree with them.  They have sunk below kangaroo court status and are now convicting people for imaginary crimes with no trial whatsoever.

No wonder they love Bin Laden!  We dont have to call them unpatriotic, they demonstrate it day in and day out.

on Aug 16, 2005
Dont you just love how the left is all for justice and truth - except when it comes to people that dont agree with them.

Let's remember that point. The left believes terrorists who are trying to kill us should get fair trials, not be accused unless there is proof, and they should all get lawyers.

However, Rove is guilty, should be put in jail, all without evidence.

Do you guys ever wonder why you are "out of touch"?