A beginner's work in progress.......
I learned a new word
Published on August 23, 2005 By dabe In Misc
I learned a new word today. It's a goody, and I thank the sender for using it as an example to describe someone. And, I quote from my email "she's a scrofulous hag, and that's a fact." Ya see....... learning vocabulary can be fun. Thank you, mon.

From OneLook: scrofulous

*adjective: morally contaminated; (Example: "Denounce the scrofulous wealth of the times- J.D.Hart")
*adjective: afflicted with scrofula
* adjective: having a diseased appearance resembling scrofula (Example: "Our canoe...lay with her scrofulous sides on the shore- Farley Mowat")

on Aug 23, 2005
(Example: "Our canoe...lay with her scrofulous sides on the shore- Farley Mowat")

... he's my alltime favourite Canadian author... he had a great sense of humour.
on Aug 23, 2005
In old times, it was said that the touch of a king could cure scrofula -- another name for the disease is "King's Curse."