72-hour Kits
Published on September 4, 2005
All of this Katrina disaster mess and subsequent discussions leads me to thinking that it would not be a bad idea to start assembling a 72-hour kit for emergency preparedness. I did a google search on "72 hour kit" and got a lot of hits for ideas to get started. You can also buy pre-assembled kits, with stuff packed away in bags, sacks or whatever. Not that expensive, but I'd rather have a kit tailored to my particular needs. I do think emergency preparedness begins with us, as individuals.
I live on Long Island, NY. The primary reason that the Shoreham Nuclear Plant was never operated was because there was no way to develop a reasonable evacuation plan, given that it's an island just east of, and part of one of the most densely inhabited areas of the country. Even something as mundane as rush hour is a nightmare every weekday morning. Therefore, even with a couple of days notice to evacuate because of a Category 3+ hurricane coming up the coast would render the roads impassible, as the routes to evacuate are quite limited. Like the Gulf Coast, Long Island is a sitting duck for a hurricane..... not a matter of "if", but rather "when".
Therefore, knowing this, it seems rather foolish to not have a kit together. We all think about assembling stuff from time to time, but never quite get around to it. I do have waterproof flashlights with extra batteries. Hell, I even have a UPS on my computer because every single winter we have a power outtage, not to mention the surges that seem to occur constantly. I have canned food and candles and assorted other stuff. But, in an emergency, assembling all the stuff together in one place could prove disastrous in its own right.
Anyway, I'm committed to getting my kit together as soon as my leg heals enough for me to negotiate around. I'll even begin some on-line shopping for items now. I know it's a good idea. I pass this suggestion on to you all who happen to live in natural disaster prone or military mishap prone or just are plain paranoid.
Good Luck.